Neerali is a survival drama that Mollywood has not seen so far. It gives you an adrenaline rush that no other Malayalam movie has given you so far. With this, Bollywood director Ajoy Varma establishes his space in Mollywood.
Bengaluru-based gemmologist Sunny George (Mohanlal) is smart, intelligent and handsome. He flirts with every pretty woman around. Things take a turn when his pregnant wife Mollykutty (Nadiya Moidu) insists to meet him before entering the labour room.
Sunny sets out, via road, along with his company driver Veerappan (Suraj Venjaramoodu) in a mini truck. As they travel to Kozhikode through the deep dark Tholpetty jungle, they meet with an accident.
The truck dangles over a cliff. Veerappan is jammed between the steering and seat and half of his body is outside the vehicle facing the cliff. Only Sunny could do something to save their lives. His phone has no outgoing and he cannot ask for external help. Nightmares come in the form of poisonous snake and wild elephant. Sunny cries, contemplates and often panics.
The maverick actor Mohanlal displays an impeccable one man show. It is definitely refreshing for those who still have the actor’s movies in the 90’s in their favourite films’ list.
Beautiful visuals by Santhosh Thundiyil and thumping music by Stephan Devassy have helped shape up the nail-biting moments. Scribe Saju Thomas has gone philosophical in the parts where Sunny goes through the moments between life and death. The intelligently-crafted non-linear narration saves the film from any lag.
However, was it relevant to bring back the Nokkatha Doorathu Kannumnattu pair Mohanlal and Nadiya is still a question. Nadiya doesn’t look the 35-year-old Mollykutty at all.
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