Set against the backdrop of a slum in Chennai, the movie is about the relationships between a few slum dwellers and how some anti-social elements create unrest in their lives. The slum is dominated by a five-member gang, headed by MG Rajendran (Parthiban), a do-gooder and a hardcore fan of MGR. The people there look up to him and he has the final say in everything. Rocket (GV Prakash), the son of Rajendran’s aide (MS Baskar), with a devil-may-care attitude, is in love with Kamala (Palak Lalwani), another girl from the slum. When the couple dreams of a life together, Mary (Poonam Bajwa), a new resident to the slum, changes their lives. Meanwhile, a series of untoward incidents disrupt the peaceful lives in the slum.
GV Prakash is okay as the care-free guy, but appears a little unconvincing when the character turns into a revenge-seeking son. For the umpteenth time, MS Baskar shines in his role and Parthiban pulls off his character effortlessly. Palak Lalwani is decent as the slum girl and Poonam Bajwa has little to do other than skin show. Yogi Babu’s comedy scenes and one-liners aren’t bad. The cinematography by Mahesh Muthuswamy and the art department have interestingly created the ambience of the slum. The background score is effective in some scenes while the songs turn out to be mediocre.
Though a few characters have been etched out decently, the film doesn’t offer anything new. The plot could have been developed in a more intriguing way with interesting action and suspense elements. A twist which comes towards the end is pointless in an otherwise predictable screenplay.