The debut directorial of GS Pradeep (Aswamedham fame), Swarnamalsyangal is the story of five friends -- Swami, Rajeev, Abhimanyu (Abhi), Anjali and Asha -- impatient to be adults and brimming with curiousity. The movie starts with Rajeev (Vijay Babu), stumbling upon a porn CD on his 11-year-old son’s study table. He beats him up before sharing his concern with his wife (Anna Rajan). He also goes down the memory lane to his own childhood days when he had a healthy and innocent friendship with children of his age. Veteran cinematographer Alagappan captures village life beautifully, especially the scenic specialities of Palakkad. The first half makes us immerse in nostalgia, bringing to mind the good old games and the no-frills friendship. Much of the plot before the interval also revolves around the found children’s efforts to understand the word, pizhachaval. When they ask their parents and get scolded, they turn to Swami, a friend who had dropped out of school. Siddique exce...