The day I become more important to you than cricket, Vijay Deverakonda tells Rashmika at a key moment in Bharat Kamma's Dear Comrade. At the time of viewing, the scene just seems like an aside, a minor cog in the narration. However, Bharat Kamma carefully weaves his narration to circle back to this underlying message — no woman should give up their passion for love. Dear Comrade has drama, anger and loads of passion but the storytelling is elevated by the lead cast and some brilliant cinematography that ensures the film stays with you for long after you leave the theatre. When Bobby (Vijay Deverakonda) meets Lilly (Rashmika Mandanna) for the first time, he's a brash, hot-headed student union leader. Inspired by his grandfather, Bobby and his gang of friends call each other Comrade, which we are means a person who stay with you through thick and thin. If Bobby finds anything remotely unjust, he's ready to bash people ...